7 Ways To Keep Safe While Cruising

A sea cruise, for many people, is a once-in-a-lifetime event. While hundreds of thousands have returned from these cruises with delightful stories there seems to be an increasing amount who impart tales of woe because they failed to follow a few safety tips and were victimized in one way or the other.

Stay Together

You did not embark on this voyage alone nor did you come to find solitude. The old axiom about safety in numbers is pure truth and your traveling companions need you as much as you need them.

Do Not Flaunt Your Wealth

Even though you are not wealthy, and might have saved for a long time to take a cruise, those thousands of shipmates who are strangers to you do not know this. Flashing expensive jewelry or showing cash while aboard might entice predators who are looking for a mark.

Stay Away From Isolated Areas

This applies to moments aboard the ship as well as it does when ashore. A cruise ship is like a little city and there are unsafe spots along its miles of corridors, especially in the lower decks.

Assign a Personal Mustering Point

If you or a member of your family becomes separated for any reason, have a pre-planned place to wait until the family can reunite.

Keep a Clear Head

People make foolish decisions and are more apt to try daring things when inebriated so, yes, enjoy a cocktail if you choose but know your limitation and always remember there are others who might need you to be functional at any moment.

Use a Sun Blocker

The sun and wind are relentless on the high seas so take measures to prevent chafing or burning that would ruin a trip for the whole family.

Wear Treaded Shoes While Topside

The deck area, particularly around the pool area, can be slippery. The upper deck is subject to gusts of wind that might topple an older person who was without traction from their footwear.

These are just a few precautions to consider and your own common sense will allow many more. You and your family are taking a cruise to have fun so the real crime would be not to enjoy yourselves. Obey rule one, Stay Together, and your fears can be put aside so you and your family can participate in an event that can be laughed about for years to come.


Guest post is written by Elvira from New Jersey. She writes for Elite – Your One Stop Water Shop and is trying to keep commercial pools clean in a healthy way worldwide.


About Mary Abe