
5 Simple Techniques to Create Storytelling Travel Photos

With the continuing advancement of technology, everyone is able to take better and better quality photos nowadays. And with a few simple tips, just about anyone can become a skilled travel photographer using their photos. All you need is to learn the basics: composition, techniques and editing. To make it more interesting, you can create storytelling travel photos with the following techniques.

  1. Use People + Scenery

Don’t make the mistake of just taking pictures of buildings or scenery. Many of the best pictures are the ones that have people in them. Don’t just take a picture of the Eiffel Tower. Take a photo of someone in front of the Eiffel Tower! Like a gentleman riding his old bicycle in the rain. Don’t be in such a rush to take photos of the big sights and forget to take time and capture moments with real people.


  1. Stay Candid and Capture Less Than Perfect Moments

Don’t be the kind of person who gets upset that it is raining and that your photos of that beautiful castle will now be ruined. Be the kind of person who is excited to try and capture the reflection of that castle in a puddle after the rain. Use your camera to tell a story about the weather and try and get another perspective about this famous building that you wouldn’t have if it had been bright and sunny.

  1. Be Sure to Capture Emotion.

The smiles of the local people tell everything about the place. And don’t forget how romantic it can be to capture two lovers kissing in the rain. Or a picture of a lovely girl with her dad in the Sahara to show that he is always by her side.


  1. Photograph Your Journey

Capture your stunning journeys and unforgettable memories while on the road. Remember, a journey itself is a collection of little moments. And every image captured along the journey is a small (but important) part of that story. Take a photo when you arrive in a city. Take a photo when you leave. Take a photo from the taxi or train. Don’t put it off. It emphasizes the way you get there.

  1. Learn a few Camera Techniques

You could learn the essential techniques of exposure triangle and storytelling. By simply understanding ISO, aperture, and shutter speed will be incredibly helpful in creating the story you want. You can also capture images with different camera shots and angle of view. Start a story with wide shot to show the general overview of the story. Then get medium shot to give a sense of place that contain all the action of the scene and it should be well matched with the flow of the wide shot. And get closer to the main subject to show any great details and important elements of the story.

With these 5 simple techniques, you can take your travel photos to the next level.

About Ahsan