How To Eat Healthily While Traveling

Eating healthily while traveling is difficult.

Junk food is everywhere. Fast food restaurants can be found on every corner, supermarkets sell chocolate and crisps as snacks, and ready-meals present an answer when you’re short on time. It’s easy to consume at any time of the day, and is almost always cheaper than healthier alternatives.

The world wants you to be unhealthy. Or so it seems.

Fortunately, there are a number of healthy foods on the market that can be picked up on cheaply in almost any country. Knowing to look out for them will allow you to stay in control of your health overseas.


Vegetables are one of the most expensive groups of food on the market, and are often the first thing people stop buying when funds are running low. This is unfortunate because no other type of food does so much for your health and well being. A diet rich in vegetables will help prevent you from getting sick, which means you’ll be able to make the most of your travels.

Easily cooked and great value veggies that you should be looking out for are:

  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Pumpkin
  • Swiss Chard (Silverbeet)
  • Bok Choy
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower


Everybody knows fruit is good for you, and you should aim to eat a few pieces of fruit every single day. Frozen or canned varieties are the cheaper option, but if you’re craving something fresh, the best value fruits are:

  • Oranges
  • Kiwis
  • Apples
  • Bananas


When most people think of protein, they think of one thing: meat. Unfortunately, in areas of the world such as Asia, good quality meat is hard to come by. As a traveller, you need to be aware of different sources of protein so you can get your fill of this important nutrient that will help you recover from non-stop life on the road. Great sources of protein and other essential nutrients are:

  • Red meat and poultry
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Nuts, seeds, beans and legumes
  • Milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products


If you are travelling somewhere hot you should be drinking plenty of water. Nevertheless, I understand that water can leave you craving flavour. If you want to stay healthy you should avoid sodas such as Coke or Fanta, and pick up coffee, tea and 100% natural fruit juice instead.

When it comes to alcohol, the lowest calorie and best value for money options are dry wine and spirits. Unfortunately, beer doesn’t make the cut.

Spicing It Up

Herbs and spices are a great way to add flavour and variety to a limited list of ingredients. They are easy to store and can be used time and time again. You can experiment with spices from local markets, but many hostels even offer free herbs and spices in the communal kitchens!

The Bottom Line

It might not always be easy, but as long as you make it a priority it is possible to maintain your health while you travel.

About Mary Abe