Frequent Flyers

Airline Travel: Essential Items for Frequent Flyers

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that taking a long flight can be very stressful. Thankfully, many people don’t need to fly all that often – but in the world of business, frequent flying is an accepted cost, both financially and mentally. Having a few essential items around to offset the negative effects can do wonders to keep a traveller happy and sane.

1: An E-Reader

A Nook, a Kindle, a Sony Reader – the technology of ebooks in the modern world is varied and very portable. With e-ink displays, a good e-reader usually has enough juice to last even the longest flights. The inside of a plane may not be the best environment for reading, but the distraction of a few good novels can make the time pass rather more pleasantly. As many e-readers have wireless functionality, you may find that you will not be able to use it during take off and landing.

2: A Spare Battery

Business people frequently need their laptops and other electronic devices around at all times, even while they’re 30,000 feet up in the air. Unfortunately, the battery life of a laptop just isn’t enough on long haul flights. The solution? Carry a spare, and swap them as needed to keep working, or look for laptops and smartphones that specifically tout a long battery life.

3: Earplugs

There’s nothing worse than having to go from the airport to a business meeting with little or no sleep. Crying children are the least of a frequent flyer’s problems – what about talkative neighbours, and noisy engines? Light sleepers can’t expect to get any rest unless they take a few precautions, and earplugs should be top of the list in case the airline doesn’t provide them on the flight itself.

4: Sensible Shoes

Businesswomen are expected to dress professionally, and that usually means high heels and stockings – but there’s nothing worse for a long trip, whether walking the distance to the gate or standing around in line while waiting to board. The best thing to do is carry a pair of light slippers or socks for the plane journey, and stash the heels with your carry-on luggage.

5: A Shaving Kit

For businessmen, having a five o’ clock shadow is a big mistake no matter what time zone you’re in. Portable shaving kits can be as simple as a small electric razor, or include everything from shaving foam to aftershave, but they’re a necessity for a frequent flyer who cares about looking the part when he lands.

6: A Checklist of References

There’s nothing more irritating than going through airport security and finding that something in your luggage isn’t allowed. This can hold you up as the security personnel open your bags and find the offending item – and when time is money, this can seriously interfere with your plans. Frequent flyers should always keep a reference of what items are allowed and what are banned, and refer to it any time they have to pack for a trip.

Jane Freeman is a Travel Blogger at

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