
Translation Mastery: Unlocking the Path to Achieve Accuracy

Why do you need accuracy in translation?

If you have read the instruction booklets on those cheap imported items that you have bought then you will be painfully aware of how poor some translation can be. Many of these booklets are completely useless at providing you with the instructions that you need to assemble or use your purchase. The end result is that you become frustrated and very disappointed with your purchase.

It is vital that if you want to convey a clear and unambiguous message that you achieve full accuracy in translation to avoid misunderstandings. This means finding accurate translation services able to provide you with a translation that will convey exactly what you wish to say in the target language.

How do accurate translation services achieve this?

If you use simple computer translating software it achieves the translation on the whole by considering each word in turn and translating each to its target language in much the way you would use a translation dictionary. However translating each word in isolation does not take into account how different languages use slang and other expressions to convey meaning. Simple phrases that we use in English for instance would have very different meanings if we just translated them word for word or would make no sense at all to those that do not know how we speak.

Accurate translation services have to use either very sophisticated programs that can fully understand the languages in question or they need to use translators that are very fluent in both languages. In addition to just being fluent in the languages in question the translators should also be very familiar with the subjects; imagining trying to translate a complex medical or legal document if you did not understand what they meant and the potential problems if you made a mistake.

Can software provide accuracy in translation?

We use the meaning and the context of a sentence to gain an understanding of what the writer is trying to say, even if the grammar is not perfect or incorrect words have been used we can often still understand what has been written. Creating a computer program that is capable of understanding the written word is very difficult indeed; a computer program on the whole needs to follow rules, but we as people do not always follow the rules when we write and people from different areas will use different rules. This makes computer driven translation almost always inaccurate. After translating a document, the best translation services always proofread it to ensure there are no mistakes, regardless of the sophistication of any used software. You cannot fully trust a computer for accuracy in translation over a human.

About Mary Abe