“Why is this?” you ask? It’s simple there is not enough correct information given out or doctors trained to understand exactly what the issue is and why women get PCOS in the first place and equally as important how to get rid of pcos!
If you are suffering from PCOS you will notice weight gain, depression, anger and hormonal dysfunction is a constant way of life.
In some women they develop arthritis and putting on as much weight as 100lbs in as little as 4-5 months is not uncommon!
Crikey! No wonder so many are eager to jump on the pills the doctors give them! Only issue? Half of the time this does NOTHING to help them! Nope, not a damn thing!
Instead they end up feeling sick and even more depressed due to the fact the medicine given to them is not going to fix it as they don’t understand the hormonal imbalance! They do not understand what causes PCOS weight gain! And it makes me angry! Hell, I’m sure it makes a lot of you angry.
Tons of women suffer on a yearly basis due to this illness! The United Kingdom is even further behind than the United states! And it’s just NOT any good or acceptable!
Thankfully there are GOOD websites out there such as the following
The weight loss we can see above from Tabby Anne is absolutely fantastic she lost over 150lbs, which is something many people out there would LOVE to do!
And the fact she did this while suffering from a medical condition such as PCOS makes the results even more impressive, no?
I highly recommended you check out the website and study what you can learn there.
Likewise, I also recommend anyone suffering with PCOS finds help with their friends and or family.
You will ALWAYS need someone to support you who can give you a shoulder to cry on and help you stand up when times get tough! The positive? Well, with PCOS you can use some tips and tricks to make eating fun and actually to make it EASIER to lose weight than the average person! Yep it is a hormonal problem after all, so you need to EAT to fix those hormones. Higher fats and certain foods can be an absolute Godsend.
Foods you’d normally never think of touching can be exactly what you need if you wish to lose weight fast and beat PCOS!
Alas, PCOS weight gain does go hand in hand but YOU can beat it if you work hard and make the difference.
Until next time thanks for reading and check out http://purelifts.com/how-tabby-anne-defeated-pcos/
For more articles like this.