You are Not an Island – Delegate Your Pre-Holiday Tasks

When you’re getting ready to go away on holiday it’s all too easy to want to keep a hold of the reins, and to control every single thing, after all, if you’ve done it then you know it’s done in the correct way, right?

Well you might think that but in actual fact all you’re doing is causing yourself a headache that you don’t really need. If you’re heading away with a few other people, maybe a group or your family, then don’t take everyone on yourself, delegate, and see how good it can feel to let someone else take a little of the control!

Here’s a few ways you can share the responsibility.

Getting to the airport

If there is more than one of you travelling then driving to the airport and booking parking through ParkBCP will always be cheaper than paying individual fares on public transport, not to mention less stressful. I do this regularly, often booking East Midlands Airport parking, and the difference it makes to my formerly stressed out travel days is huge. If you’re traveling as a group, book it and then split the cost between you, telling them they owe you x amount. You could even take it in turns to drive. This tip will save you both time and money in the long run.

Picking the accommodation

Being the one in control has a few downsides too, and that comes in the form of having the backlash when things go wrong. If you pick the accommodation and someone doesn’t like it for a very small, minor reason, then you’re going to get the blame for it in some guise. Make sure it is a joint decision, and if no-one else seems interested in helping you decide, then make that point quite clear when they start complaining! If you don’t consult everyone in the group, then you may run into trouble down the line if something does indeed go wrong.

Write a list of tasks and split them

Delegating the tasks that need to be done pre-holiday is the best way to ensure you don’t get stressed, and everything gets done. For instance, changing currency, checking the flight tickets, packing, etc. These are all things that can be delegated, so the pressure isn’t solely on you. Make sure that everyone has a role to play and that the tasks are equally divided between everyone in the group. This will take the pressure off you.

Remember it’s your holiday too!

You’re going away on this holiday as well, remember! Try and keep in as light a frame of mind as possible, remember that you’re going somewhere amazing for a week or two, and that you’re not going to be stressed whilst you’re there, so why should you be stressed out beforehand. Relax and see how good it can feel! At the end of the day, then you need to enjoy the holiday, or else what’s the point?

By planning your trip and taking the time to make sure that everything will go to plan, then you’ll end up having a great experience.

About Mary Abe